H is for... (Hb-Hi)

Hercules knot
A knot often used as for single column ties within Shibari - also known as the Reef knot, square knot and honmusubi (本結び)

Hibarimusubi 雲雀結び
Translates to "lark knot" in English. It is a type of knot that wihin rope bondage can be seen as mostly decorative, as such there is some debate about whether it is should be considered a shibari knot or a fussion knot. The name "hibari" (ひばり) refers to the lark, a bird often associated with grace and simplicity in Japanese culture.

Hikui te shibari 低い手縛り
'Low hands bound', this refers to any tie in which the hands are tied lower than in a horizontal position.

Hikyaku zuri 飛脚
A shibari suspension position in which someone is tied in a gote, with one leg tied in front from above the knee, and the other leg is tied from the ankle giving the impression of someone running. This tie is often referred to by English speakers as 'running man'. The Japanese word Hikyaku has historically being used to refer to messangers and is made up of 飛 (hi) means "fly" or "swift," and 脚 (kyaku) means "leg" or "foot."Combined, 飛脚 evokes the image of someone traveling swiftly on foot.

Hip Harness
A category of ties that go around the hips often used to provide support during a suspension.

Hishi Shibari 菱縛り
Hishi is the Japanese word for diamond, Hishigata 菱形 means diamond shape. A gote which uses a diamond shape might be referred to as a hishi gote, while any rope pattern using diamond shapes can be referred to as hishi shibari.

When refering to knots a hitch is a type of knot used to tie a rope to an object, such as a post or another rope. For example clove and girth hitches.