Shibari Positions and Tie Names

How Shibari Postions/Ties Are Named.

  • Agoura Shibari あぐら 縛り

    Cross legged ties

    Tutorial for basic Agoura Shibari 
  • Shibari suspension face up Aomuke Zuri 仰向け吊り

    Aomuke zuri 仰向け吊り

    Face up suspension

  • Bo Shibari 棒縛り

    Tie to a pole

  • Breast Bondage Shibari red Jute rope

    Breast Bondage

    ties which squeeze the breasts.

  • Model with arms overhead, shibari rope tied around wrists and pulled down back.  Reborn ropes.

    Bunny Ears

    Arms tied behind head resulting in the elbows 'looking like rabbit ears'.

  • Eggplant tied in shibari rope, representing Cock and Ball Torture.


    CBT/Cock&Ball torure and is used to refer to ties of the penis and balls, whether or not they are torturous.

  • Chest Harness

    Rope patterns which go across the chest that do not include the arms

    Chest Harness Tutorials 
  • Chokushin Ushirote Shibari 直進後手縛り

    'tying hands straight behind the back' This is the Japanese name for the tie more commonly referred to by English speakers as the strapardo in which the arms are brought together behind the back and bound.

  • crotch rope / Matanawa rope position shibari

    Crotch Rope

    rope patterns which go over or apply pressure to the crotch

  • Honmusubi / Reef knot - shibari how to tie single column tie : Reborn Ropes. Gure Grey Shibari Bondage rope


    Wraps around one or two limbs secured with a single or double column tie.

  • Daruma Doll, Reborn Ropes

    Daruma Shibari 達磨 縛り

    Moon Tie

  • Ryoutekubi shibari 両手首縛り wrist cuff hands tied together shibari

    Double Column

    Two limbs or things tied together with the rope passing between them before being tied off with a knot.

  • Ebi Shibari 海老縛り

    This refers to a tied bent over position which results in a shape that looks a little bit like a prawn. These rope patterns are sometimes called 'forced bows' in the West.

  • ‘Electric Blue’ Bamboo bondage rope - RebornRopes

    Enchou ude mae te hiji shibari 延長腕前手肘

    Front Elbow Binding

  • ‘Wisteria Love’.Bamboo bondage rope. - RebornRopes

    Echou ude mae te shibari 絵長 腕 前 手 縛り

    a tie in which the wrists and arms are bound in front of the body often used interchangeably with a Mae te Shibari (前手縛り) 'front hand tying'.

  • Fotomono Leg Tie with a Cherry 2 - Ply Jute Shibari Rope - RebornRopes

    Futomomo Shibari 太腿縛り

    lit. thigh binding. This refers to ties in which the leg is bent at the knee, and tied to the thigh.

  • Fisherman's Harness

    A tie originally created by Rodolphe and Mathilde now widely copied and adapted with the name being used for its adapted forms as well as the origonal.

  • Shibari tutorial how to  tie double coin harness: Purple Shibari Jute :  Reborn Rope

    Fusion Bondage

    Sometimes called Western Bondage, this term is often applied to bondage involving decorative knots and patterns that are not normally part of the Shibari canon.

  • Enso

    Gote Gasshō Shibari 後手合掌縛り

    'hands behind the back in prayer tie' This refers to a Gote Shibari (see below) where the hands are behind the back in a prayer position.

  • Complete Shibari Jute Rope Kit - RebornRopes

    Gote Shibari 後手縛り

    lit. rear hands, or hand's behind back binding. Used to refer to a wide variety of ties with hands behind the back and wraps around the arms and chest.

  • Gyaku-ebi Shibari

    'Reverse ebi tie' This is the shibari version of the hog tie which brings the body into a backward arch by connecting the feet to a gote or chest harness.

  • shibari hair tie

    Hair Tie

  • Hashigata zuri 橋型吊り

    Bridge shaped suspension

  • Seiu Ito ink on paper 柱吊り 縛り

    Hashira Shibari

    Tied to a pillar

  • Hikui te shibari 低い手縛り

    'low hands'

  • Hikyaku Zuri 飛脚 running man shibari

    Hikyaku Zuri 飛脚

    Known as a "Running man" in the west. This is a suspension position in which a Gote Shibari is used with one leg tied above the knee in front, and the other tied from the ankle behind.

  • hip harness shibari

    Hip Harness

    A category of ties that involve placing rope around the hip often used to support suspension.

  • Hishi Shibari 菱縛り

    Any tie which forms diamond shapes with rope.

  • Hog Tie

    A stress position tie in which the person is on there back and the legs and back are arched .

  • caterpillar tie  Imomushi Shibari 芋虫縛り

    Imomushi Shibari 芋虫縛り

    'Caterpillar tie' Ties in which the bound person resembles a caterpillar.

  • Iwato nawa shibari

    'rock cave rope binding'. Used to refer to any tie in which the legs are tied apart to expose the genitals.

  • Raspberry jute shibari bondage rope. - Jiai Shibari 自愛縛り RebornRopes

    Jiai Shibari 自愛縛

    'self love binding' used for ties in which the persons hands are tied to there chests as though they are hugging themself.

  • Kagerou shibari 陽炎縛り

    Mayfly tie- a strappardo with a hishi design (diamond shapes) between the arms.

  • Kaikyaku kani shibari 開脚蟹縛り

    Spread-leg crab tie' describes a position in which the legs and forearms are tied to each other creating a spread leg position.

  • Violet 2 - Ply Jute Shibari Rope - RebornRopes

    Kaikyaku shibari開脚縛り

    'spread leg tie'. While there are many varieties of spread leg ties this name can be applied to them all as a general category.

  • Kaka Shibari 抱える縛り hugging bondage

    Kaka Shibari 抱える縛り

    'holding/hugging tie' This tie can involve either both arms holding one or two legs and then tied with a single column to secure.

  • shibari hair tie

    Kami shibari 髪縛り

    Hair tie

  • Boundage rope : Reborn Ropes. Karada

    Karada Shibari 体縛り

    'body binding' this can refer to any rope pattern that ties the body but is most often applied to non-gote ties that are tied to the torso and extend beyond the chest.

  • Single ankle tie shibari suspension, single column tied to hardpoint.

    Kata-ashi sakasa zuri 片足逆さ吊り -

    Tie in which someone is suspended from a single ankle.

  • Katatsumuri Shibari 蝸牛縛り Shibari sex position

    Katatsumuri Shibari 蝸牛縛り

    'Snail tie' this simple tie is a popular as a sexual position.

  • Kemono Shibari 獣縛り

    'beast tie' This tie is named after the appearance of animals that have been killed and are brought back tied to a pole.

  • Kikkou Shibari rope positions

    Kikkou Shibari 亀甲縛り

    'tortoise shell tie' any tie in which the ropes form hexagon shapes.

  • shibari rope bunny ears, rope tied to back

    Kouto ushiro te shibari 後頭後手縛

    'hands tied behind the head' see Bunny ears.

  • Model with carrots

    Koutoubu ryo-tekubi shibari 後頭部両手首縛り

    'Tie with both wrists at the back of the head' see Bunny ears.

  • Kubi Shibari 首縛り, dog collar, shibari, rope bondage

    Kubi Shibari 首縛り

    'neck binding' any tie which involves rope around the neck. Only to be attempted by advanced riggers.

  • Ryoashi sakasa zuri 両足逆さ吊り / Ryouashi Zuri 両足吊り shibari rope : Reborn Ropes

    Leg Ties

    A general catagory for any ties to the legs

  • Side view of a violet shibari rope tied into a leto hip harness.

    Leto Hip Harness

  • Violet 2 - Ply Jute Shibari Rope - RebornRopes

    M-ju-kaikyaku shibari M字開脚縛り

    Any tie where the legs are spread and form an M shape. This tie is sometimes abbreviated to M-ji shibari (M字縛り), or M shibari (M縛り).

  • hand in front shibari binding shibari position Jute rope reborn ropes

    Mae Te Shibari 前手縛り

    'Front hand binding' any tie in which the hands are tied in front of the body.

  • Sakuranbo shibari 桜ん坊縛り matanawa red rope jute

    Matanawa 股縄

    'Crotch Rope' a broard catagory of ties involving rope going over or applying presure to the crotch.

  • mermaid shibari tie

    Mermaid tie

    ties in which the legs are tied together in a straight line

  • Momo shibari 腿縛り

    'tied thighs'

  • Breast Bondage Shibari red Jute rope

    Munenawa 胸縄

    'chest rope' see Chest harness.

  • Shibari suspension face up Aomuke Zuri 仰向け吊り

    Nawa zuri 縄吊り

    Generic word for rope suspension

  • Forest Green - Fully treated jute shibari bondage rope. - RebornRopes

    Newaza 緋縄座

    Ties on someone in a seated or laying position.

  • Partial Suspension

    Where one or more limbs are attached to a suspension point but the tied person remains in contact with the ground.

  • mermaid shibari tie

    Ryōashi Gattai Ichimonji Shibari 両足合体一文字縛り

    'both legs bound together straight'. See mermaid ties.

  • Ryoashi sakasa zuri 両足逆さ吊り / Ryouashi Zuri 両足吊り shibari rope : Reborn Ropes

    Ryoashi sakasa zuri 両足逆さ吊り / Ryouashi zuri 両足吊り

    Suspension using both legs/ankles only.

  • Enso

    Ryōkyaku Gote Kakae Shibari 両脚後手抱え縛り

    'hands behind holding both legs' A tie originally created by Akechi Denki which was loaded from a chest harness now more normally referred to as Daruma Shibari or moon tie.

  • Ryōkyaku Gote Shibari 両脚後手縛り

    'both legs bound with a gote' I include this tie to provide an example of the flexibility of naming when it comes to ties. The rope pattern and position in this tie is very different from Ryōkyaku Gote Kakae Shibari 両脚後手抱え縛り although elements may have visual simularties. In this tie a Gote Shibari has been used (a chest tie that goes over the arms) where as in the origional tie the Gote Kakae is used to mean hold both legs.

  • Ryoutekubi shibari 両手首縛り wrist cuff hands tied together shibari

    Ryotekubi Shibari 両手首縛り

    'Wrists tied together'

  • Japanese Master cartoon, model is upside down

    Sakasad zuri 逆さ吊り

    Inverted suspension

  • Sakuranbo shibari 桜ん坊縛り matanawa red rope jute

    Sakuranbo shibari 桜ん坊縛り

    'tying the cherry' euphemism for crotch ties / matanawa

  • Sarugutsuwa 猿轡

    'monkey gag' originally a reference to a gag specifically to restrict speech now used to refer to any gag.

  • Japanese Palm Rope, scratchy rope for torture ties - RebornRopes

    Semenawa 責め縄

    'tormenting rope' sometimes translated as torture rope. This refers to ties that are deliberately painful, often with carefully - and safely applied pressure. Sometimes they are tied using deliberately uncomfetable rope like palm rope.

  • Breast Bondage Shibari red Jute rope

    Shinju shibari 真珠縛り

    'pearl tie' used as a euphemism for breast, see breast bondage.

  • Katatsumuri Shibari 蝸牛縛り Shibari sex position

    Snail tie

    Known in Japanese as Katatsumuri Shibari 蝸牛縛り this simple tie is a popular as a sexual position. This tie is accomplished by tying the arms together with a single or double column tie and drawing the arms between the legs.

    COMING Find out how to tie 
  • Spread Eagle

    Ties in which the four limbs are tied independently to stretch out the person.

  • Strappardo

    Arms tied straight elbows, behind back and often raised. Originally used as a method of torture with the hands raised behind the back.

  • Suruga Shibari 駿河問い縛り

    Suspension. Hands and Legs tied beind, weight placed on back.

  • Violet 2 - Ply Jute Shibari Rope - RebornRopes


    any tie in which the person is suspended completely by ropes.

  • Tanuki zuri 狸吊り

    Each arm and leg tied independently to suspension point to allow for a suspension from four limbs.

  • Shibari photography, Red Cherry jute shibari rope, on Cheshire of Reborn Ropes

    Takatekote 高手小手 たかてこて

    A literal translation is 'high/upper hands small/lower hands'. This name tends to be applied to Gotes/Box ties which are tied using three ropes. Some particualar Ryu refer to the Gote tied in their particular style as a a Takatekote - and this is sometimes shortned to 3TK.

  • Tawara shibari, shibari model tied like a bail of hay 俵縛り

    Tawara Shibari 俵縛り

    Tied together like a ball of hay/straw.

  • Ryoutekubi shibari 両手首縛り wrist cuff hands tied together shibari

    Tejou Shibari 手錠縛り

    Tied handcuffs

  • Shibari position Tengu Shibari 天狗縛り bondage rope

    Tengu Shibari 天狗縛り

    This refers to a tie in which the arms are bound with a rope that goes behind the hand to form the shape in the picture shown above.

  • Teppō/Teppo Shibari 鉄砲縛り Purple Jute rope bondage tie Reborn Ropes

    Teppō Shibari 鉄砲縛り

    Rifle Tie

  • Tsuri

    Any tie that involves the body being fully taken off the ground by ropes. see suspension. Written as / pronounced as Zuri when it follows another word.

  • Uahirode-gassho(u) shibari

    Reverse Prayer, any tie in which the hands are in a prater position behind the back.

  • Utsubuse zuri

    Face down suspension

  • Shibari photography, female model in suspension, using natural jute shibari ropes.

    Yoko Zuri

    Side suspension

  • Wakizarashi: 脇晒し Model wearing voilet jute shibari rope, arms tied overhead.


    'exposing the armpits' this name can be applied to any tie where the armpit is exposed.

  • Yotsunbai 四つん這い

    on all fours

  • caterpillar tie  Imomushi Shibari 芋虫縛り

    Yuka Shibari

    Any floor based tie