Its easy for rope to get in a tangle, and no-one wants kinky rope..wait...let me rephrase that. No-one wants kinks in their ropes! The last thing you want went you are in the mood for some ropey times is to spend 20mins digging through a pile of tangled ropes which seems to have tied it self into knots since you last used it, so this handy guide will give you all the information you need about how to store your ropes - and the storage mistakes to avoid.
Before you store your ropes
NEVER put away your ropes if they are damp. Make sure they dry in an airy space, if you leave your ropes damp in the bottom of a closet or under your bed they will go moldy. Before putting your ropes away untie any knots, and run your hands a long them to make sure they havent picked up anything from the floor. This is particularly important if you tie outdoors or at an event. Its easy for a bit of twig or broken glass to get attached to rope, if you don't notice this before you tie someone you could cause an injury. Check there is no damage to your ropes, and everything is in good condition. If your rope is feeling dry apply some oil or rope paste.
The best ways to store ropes
1. Hung over a beam
If you have the luxury of living somewhere that has a suspension beam, then the best way to store your rope is to simply hang it over a beam. This means that when you want to use them you can just reach up and grab a rope. This does however carry the risk of your rope getting dusty.
2. Hung over a hanger
If you don't have a beam you can hang your rope over, you can hang your rope over a coat hanger. Pegs/Clothes pins can be used to separate out the ropes and to keep the hanger balanced. This method has the advantage of letting you put your ropes out of sight, and means that they won't get dusty.
3. Rope hanks
Many people assume this is the best way of storing your rope, but as it leaves your rope with lots of bends in it they can develop kinks. Those will fall out with time, but it is not a good way to store rope long term. This is however a very convenient method to store your rope just before you tie with it as it makes the bight easy to find, it is also a great way to transport your rope, so if you are off to a party then hank your rope before you go and fling it into a bag instead of having a pile of tangled ropes.
Find out how to hank ropes with my easy to follow tutorial